
  1. Available
  2. Female
  3. Video calls
  1. +56996073139
  2. 24 Years
  3. 160 CM
  4. 53 KG
  5. 90-70-95
  6. Hair Dark brown
  7. Eyes Light blue
  8. Waxing Shaggy
  9. Body Curvy
  10. Breast Medium
  11. Butt Small

Working Hours


Acepta Tarjeta


  1. Incall
  2. Meeting
  3. In Car
  4. Delivery
  5. Virtual
  6. Real and Virtual
  7. Hotels
  8. Face to face meetings
  9. Real Encounters
  10. Virtual Meetings
  11. With Parking
  12. Real
  13. Apenas videochamadas
I'm located in Metro Manuel Montt Providencia Santiago Chile